Monday, November 12, 2007

All I want is a house - at any cost

My family and I were invited for a 'house-warming' ceremony yesterday. My distant cousin finally managed to buy a flat in one of the recently-sprung-up areas of Bangalore.

I was looking forward to visit this place, as I was curious to see the 'new' Bangalore. I should have known. Disappointing will be a mild word. Disgusting.

Crawling traffic, non-existent roads, no proper utility supply, difficult access to community services, zero access to medical care, well, I could go on.

And to think of it, flats in these new locales are selling like there's no tomorrow. Why? Blame it on the great real estate rush in Bangalore. Everyone dreams of having his own 4 walls - and will not mind these 'minor' inconveniences to be a home owner. Greed gets greater than sense.

And because nobody minds, nobody thinks of providing these basic necessities, and nobody even begins to plan to provide.

It's a viscious cycle. May even never be broken.

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